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  • my photo
  • 작성시각: 2020.12.02 10:55:08
  • 총 작성한 글타래: 192 개
  • 총 작성한 댓글수: 14 개
  • 가입일: 2013/02/04
  • 포인트: 412
  • 레벨: 9
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글 제목: 스틸 무빙

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh —<em>Still Moving</em>

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Atefeh Farajolahzadeh portfolio image

Still Moving This body of work is a performance that is a result of hours and hours of walking through both urban and natural landscapes. Motivated by personal experiences as an immigrant, I used photography to translate and transform the landscapes of my imagination to meld the internal sensations through the way photography records light, color, and movement. Each photo finds its meaning in combination with others to create an experience that places the viewer between the state of reality and dream, consciousness, and subconsciousness, the familiar and the unknown and visually exploring ideas of being and not being, belonging and not belonging. Drawing upon my background in literature and my interest in narrating a story, I’ve created a character – a persona that obliquely represents me – who provides brief pivotal points of focus that grounds the work in reality amidst the intangible and the unknowable.

bio Atefeh Farajolahzadeh is an Iranian immigrant visual artist who employs the media of photography, video, and writing in her practice. Her current project is to explore the idea of being elsewhere and the psychology of being in-between (the place of origin and her new place). Her work oscillates between abstraction and representation, fiction, and non-fiction. Farajolahzadeh received her MFA in photography from Columbia College Chicago. Her work has been selected for Ground Floor 2020, Hyde Park Art Center’s biennial exhibition, Chicago; Filter Photo, Chicago; Ohio University art gallery; CICA Museum, South Korea; among others. For more information, please contact Atefeh Farajolahzadeh at: atefehfara@gmail.com or visit: www.atefehfar.com
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