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  • my photo
  • 작성시각: 2015.11.16 19:08:14
  • 총 작성한 글타래: 192 개
  • 총 작성한 댓글수: 14 개
  • 가입일: 2013/02/04
  • 포인트: 412
  • 레벨: 9
  • 오프라인 상태입니다
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글 제목: [work] 조경재
벌써 일년여 되어가는 듯.  전시를 보고서 바바라 카스텐 어플리케이션이 아닐까 했는데 근자에 살펴보니 다른 관점이

포섭되어 있는 듯.  삶과 미의 대한 현실적 변용.  혹은 생명의 서.
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출처 : 구글이미지 검색


Klasse04-008, 2013


WT004, 2013


Sadari004, 2015

Kyoung-Jae Cho, 'BW 01-008 ,' 2015, Gana Art

Kyoung-Jae Cho, 'Class 05-004-01 ,' 2013, Gana Art

Kyoung-Jae Cho, 'Untitled,' 2013, Gana Art

Kyoung-Jae Cho, 'm+h 002 ,' 2012, Gana Art

Kyoung-Jae Cho (b. 1979, South Korea) received his photographic education from Sang Myeng University, South Korea (2006) and the State Academy of Fine Arts Münster, Germany (2014). The theme resonant throughout his latest work addresses the flood of images that is remarkable of our time, critically positioning man against this mass of information.
Cho’s most recent solo exhibitions include an Open Atelier at the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris; Places at the Kunstakademie in Münster and Belt 2015 at Gallery em in Seoul. He is currently based in Germany.

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WT 004, 185x150, Inkjet Print, 2013

Z003, 250x200, Inkjet Print, 2013

공 006, 160x128, inkjet print, 2013

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